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10 Steps To Build The Perfect Arena

Building an arena can be a stressful and lengthy process.  But with Chute Help’s Arena Packs, you will find exactly what you need to build the perfect arena.  Here are our 10 steps to build your Dream Arena:

  1. Decide on the size of the arena - There doesn’t have to be a one size fits all. Think about what events are going to take place in the arena. Do you ride young horses? All of this will help determine the size you need. Start by figuring the outside dimension of the width and then the outside dimension of the Length, but exclude any holding pens around the perimeter of the arena.

  2. Plan for a return alley - Make sure to allocate space to bring your cattle back to the roping chute. 10’ wide is a very common size.

  3. Estimate how many roping cattle you will keep - This step is important for holding pens, gates and the amount of Straight Lead Ups you will need.

  4. Think about the entry points and exit points - Depending on the size of tractor you use for working your arena, you’ll want plenty of width at the entry point.

  5. Do you want an automatic or manual Chute Help? You will not need to install electricity or have an air compressor with either choice! Set it in place after you get it, and rope!

  6. Leave enough room for the heel horse to ride around the back of the box - You will need at least 2 - 8’ Straight Lead Ups to have enough room. I recommend at least 6’ behind the heel box to the lead up alley.

  7. What side do you want the cattle to exit out of the Easy Exit Stripping Chute? Think about what hand you want to take the head rope off with? That will determine what side. For young children, a Left Hand Easy Exit Stripping Chute is recommended.

  8. What type of fence do you want? If the arena is permanent, continuous fence is strongly recommended. If the arena is portable, I suggest using the Chute Help Medium Duty 5 - Rail Panels)

  9. Make sure to install a few posts - For panel arenas, posts every 30’ will help keep the integrity of the fence line)

  10. Set your roping boxes at a width of 12’

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